Оборудование Посуда и сервировка Проф. инвентарь Студия мебели Услуги HoReCa 2015-2016 ®
Гастроемкость Blanco GN 1/4-65 (265х162x65)

Гастроемкость Blanco GN 1/4-65 (265х162x65)

1 555 р.
Товар сертифицирован



Gastrointesti Blanco GN 1/4-65 is used for cooking, transporting, storing, baking and display of food products. This model is suitable for use in any professional kitchen catering establishments: restaurants, bars and canteens.


  • Protects against odours of cooked foods
  • Prevents corrosion
  • Withstands temperatures from -40 to 280 °C
  • Material: stainless steel


  • External dimensions: HH mm
  • Internal dimensions: 240x137 mm
  • Capacity: 1.7 liter

Attention! The picture of the product differs from the original and are for indicative purposes only.

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