Оборудование Посуда и сервировка Проф. инвентарь Студия мебели Услуги HoReCa 2015-2016 ®
Гастроемкость Blanco GN 1/1-100 (530х325х100) нерж. сталь
Детальное описание

Blanco manufactures more than 200 types of GN containers, without which it is impossible to imagine modern professional kitchen. Real Blanco GN containers have a logo on one of the corners, symbolizing a German guarantee of quality. All manufactured Blanco Gastronorm containers comply with the European and Russian sanitary standards and norms. Blanco offers Gastronorm containers Gastronorm (with and without handles, perforated and one-piece, polycarbonate, granite-enamelled and specially hardened for high temperatures).Special accessories GN containers: High quality output and long service life made Blanco Gastronorm containers a favorite of many chefs.

GN 1/1 H-100
Розничная цена 2 739 р.


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